
We all need that extra dose of vitamins for a physical growth spurt, or that high-five to cheer us on.

Our workshops aim to do the same for our students where your child gets that additional boost to achieve the score he/she has set his/her mind on. Our workshops offer targeted instructions to clarify complex concepts, improve mastery of strategies and provide additional study strategies.

Contact us and find out more about the workshops suitable for your child today!

PArent Workshop 2024

Parent Workshop
"Effective Academic Support for Your Child"

Click here to sign up!
WhatsApp Text Us @ 8105 2189

This workshop aims to bring together our shared experiences navigating the educational path with our own children and students, so that you as a parent can become more empowered to support your child's academic endeavours.  

Gain insight into your child's perspective by answering exam questions firsthand. Understanding their thought process equips you to provide effective support, nurturing your child's confidence in tests and exams.

Join us and make a difference in your child's educational success!

Receive a THANK YOU $10 Starbucks Gift Card
during our promotional period between 18 May-10 July
Valid for:
- referrer whose friend signs up for class(es) at SR
- referral who signs up for class(es) at SR
- PR, KS & SR students who sign up for new subjects at SR

PArent Workshop 2024

Our programs lead to significant grade improvements for dedicated students.

WhatsApp Text Us @ 8105 2189

Our programs are designed to help students achieve better grades. We offer personalized guidance and curriculum to maximize student potential. With our approach, students experience measurable improvements in grades. Come experience how our programs transform student success firsthand.