Science Resources


P4 Science Resources

Take time to watch and understand the videos. Revise the relevant concepts in the Topical Notes.


P4 - Life Cycle

Development of a chicken egg

Seeing through the shell of a chicken egg

Life cycle of a Frog

Mealworm Beetle life cycle

Butterfly life cycle

Ladybug life cycle

Cockroach life cycle

seeds germinating

Spiny Anteater lays eggs

How Guppies have babies

P4 - Discovering Matter

Air has mass

Measuring volume of irregular-shaped objects

Horizontal water level

PLight Energy

Light and Shadows

How Mirrors are made

Light travels in a straight line

P4 - Heat Energy

Expansion and Compression

How to openn tight jar lids

Effects of heat

Heat conductivity of metals

Ping Pong ball - experiment with heat

Bimetallic Strip