Take time to watch and understand the videos. Revise the relevant concepts in the Topical Notes.
Generating electricity
Thermal power
Hydroelectric power
Hot air rises
Renewable energy
Fossil fuels 101
Portable wind turbine
Photosynthesis experiment on leaves
Photosynthesis misconception
Friction depends on mass
Friction and surface area
Gravity and falling
Water retention in types of soils
Leaf litter community
Ants and Caterpillars
Biomes and Habitats
Understanding food chain
Kelp and Sea Urchins
Mercury poisoning up the food chain
Adaptations of Polar Bears
Animals in Extreme Climates
Adaptations of Kangaroo Rats
Fun Facts About Cacti Plants
Adaptations of of Fish
Fish That Walk - The Mudskipper
Nature's Scuba Divers
What's Actually Inside A Whale's Blowhole
How Marine Mammals Survive Underwater Life
Sea Turtles
Scorpion's Worst Nightmare