Science Resources


P6 Science Resources

Take time to watch and understand the videos. Revise the relevant concepts in the Topical Notes.


P6 - Energy

Generating electricity

Thermal power

Hydroelectric power

Hot air rises

Renewable energy

Fossil fuels 101

Portable wind turbine

Photosynthesis experiment on leaves

Photosynthesis misconception

P6 - Forces

Friction depends on mass

Friction and surface area

Gravity and falling

P6 - Environment
(Living together)

Water retention in types of soils

Leaf litter community

Ants and Caterpillars

Biomes and Habitats

P6 - Food Chains and Food Web

Understanding food chain

Kelp and Sea Urchins

Mercury poisoning up the food chain

P6 - Adaptations

Adaptations of Polar Bears

Animals in Extreme Climates

Adaptations of Kangaroo Rats

Fun Facts About Cacti Plants

Adaptations of of Fish

Fish That Walk - The Mudskipper

Nature's Scuba Divers

What's Actually Inside A Whale's Blowhole

How Marine Mammals Survive Underwater Life



Sea Turtles


Scorpion's Worst Nightmare